Writing from Life

This book will show you how your own personal experiences can provide you with an endless supply of ideas for your writing – whether fiction or non-fiction.

You will learn how to write about what you know – and you certainly know a lot.

The good news is that the older you are, and the older you get, the more experiences you have had – so you’ll always have something to write about.

Lynne will show you how to make your own ‘Raking up your past’ file – using memories, lists, diaries, newspapers, smells, family trees, etc.

Plus, she’ll share how to turn your own anecdotes, recounted to friends and family, into useful prose; and how to fashion the passed-down history of your ancestors into a family saga.

With this book you’ll also learn how to:

  • Sell a snippet of conversation
  • Make money by sharing secrets
  • Take your boss and your best friend and come up with a new character
  • Sell one event in your life to several different markets
  • Impart knowledge you didn’t think you had to people who didn’t know they needed it
  • Use the emotions, traumas, joys and experiences of your own life to make your writing stronger and more saleable.

With this book you’ll never run out of ideas, and writer’s block will be a thing of the past.

Writing from Life is available on Amazon (free with KU) in paperback and e-book format.

Inspirational. Whatever you write – fact or fiction, book or short story – it will be useful. Anyone who is at all interested in writing will have come across books which suggest you should always write what you know. Many of us having read that sentence will be left wondering how you can actually put this instruction into practice.

Lynne Hackles shows us how in this invaluable book. Events, incidents, conversations and people can all be used in creating stories and articles without infringing the laws of libel. She also provides useful quotes from other published writers. All your experiences can be turned into lucrative prose. Tried a recipe from a magazine? Write and tell them how it turned out. A domestic disaster? A few tweaks and this can be a short story – or an article about how to solve problems – or even a readers’ letter.

This is a book which will give you inspiration for all your writing and I thoroughly recommend it. I shall be keeping it close at hand to help me when I run out of ideas

– Damaskcat – VINE VOICE

Handy Hints for Writers

Handy Hints for Writers is a book of tips, advice and encouragement for writers at all levels.

Dip into it or read from start to finish and you will find something to inspire you, make you think, give you a kick start or make you smile.

Handy Hints for Writers is available on Amazon in e-book and paperback format

This book is fun and easy to read, packed with useful suggestions in small tasty bites. Whether you are a new or experienced writer,a poet, novelist, feature or short story writer, you will find lots of tips to boost your confidence, renew your energy and keep your writing on track. There are no hard and fast rules: just pick and choose what suits you, give it a try and enjoy the results. Definitely worth its weight in gold, humour a bonus.

Solange, professional book reviewer

What a wonderful book this is-indispensable for any novice writer setting out on the professional route. Even after years of writing professionally, I found the tips and guidance welcome and inspirational. A must-read for aspiring authors, especially for procrastinating writers like me!

m.j. penny

Ghost Writing: How to write for others

Who else wants to be able to earn by ghost writing?

Being a creative writer means being adaptable to different markets since that is exactly how writers earn their living. Writing for the famous and the just plain busy is an extremely good way of earning a nice living and developing yourself as a writer.

This book includes explanations on how to:
•start a ghost writing business
•work with clients to get the best from them for their book
•develop your writing style so that it becomes compelling writing

•All students of creative writing in colleges and universities
•College and university central and department libraries
•Teachers, tutors and lecturers
•Public and reference libraries
•General readers

Ghostwriting: How to write for others is available on Amazon (free with KU) in e-book and paperback format

As one of the `ghost’ contributors to this book, I recommend it highly to readers and writers alike. Lynne Hackles knows her subject thoroughly, from first-hand experience.

For the general reader, Lynne takes you behind the scenes to look into the fascinating but little-known world of the ghostwriter. Did you know, for instance, that almost half of the books that appear on bestseller lists are not written by the people whose names appear on the covers, but by unnamed `ghosts’?

For the writer, here is all the advice and know-how you need to get started in this unsung but lucrative field of writing. From poems and speeches to articles and full-length books of all genres, there is a whole world of writing waiting for you to bring it to life. I do it. So can you. Lynne’s excellent book shows you how.

Mrs C mccallum