Gail Lockwood, a 50-something woman, is made redundant.

She decides to tackle her to-do list and is determined to cross everything off.

Gail’s eccentric mother, Pearl, and wayward daughter, Tamsin, are forever making a grab for Gail’s time, leaving her feeling like the meat in the middle of a sandwich.

With the help of friends and an imaginary agony aunt, Gail sets out on a journey to make a success of her life… and maybe, just maybe to find some romance along the way?

Available from Amazon in e-book and paperback format from May 2023.

Note from Lynne:

This, my first novel, is proof that you’re never too old to have a new dream. I was about to give up on sending it out when my friend, prolific short story writer, Teresa Ashby, read it for me. Her words gave me the impetus needed to try again.

‘Bloody hell, Lynne, it’s good! This romantic comedy – perhaps mature romantic comedy – is the sort of book I like. If I found an author that could write like that, I’d be looking for more of their books! Reminds me a little of Milly Johnson with the down-to-earth warm characters. You HAVE to send it off somewhere!”

I took her advice and sent it to Cahill Davis Publishing. They said: “Yes.” And so, I achieved another dream.

Thanks, Teresa.